Seth Rogen Taste-Tests Secret Fast-Food Burgers | The Burger Show

Seth Rogen Taste-Tests Secret Fast-Food Burgers | The Burger Show

Burgers are universally beloved because they’re the food of the people. But few can deny the appeal of secret, off-menu burgers—a concept that was popularized by the GOAT fast-food chain, In-N-Out. With the obsessive demand for Animal-style burgers, other fast-food chains like Shake Shack and Five Guys have taken note, creating more competition in the field. So which fast-food, off-menu burger reigns supreme? Alvin is linking up with his friend and burger lover, Seth Rogen, to crown a winner.


  1. You lost me on the "getting stoned" part. I honestly don't give shit. Would you like me to start a video saying "I was sooo wasted?" No. Nobody wants that. Don't be a dumbass.

  2. I wish we had In-N-Out in Florida. On the upside, I’m not tempted to eat burgers every day.

  3. So biased. He gets the best burger he can think of making from In n Out (lettuce, tomato, grilled onions, animal style, peppers), then goes to Five Guys and gets some weird ass grilled cheese double burger with nothing but bread meat and cheese.

  4. What's your favorite off-menu fast-food item? Share the keys with your fellow burger lovers…

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