Jeff Cavaliere’s Official Height, Weight, Body Fat (REVEALED!)

Jeff Cavaliere’s Official Height, Weight, Body Fat (REVEALED!)

How tall is Jeff Cavaliere? How much does he weigh? If you believe some of the guesses online you’d think it was anywhere from 5’6 to 5’8 with a weight of 200 to 250 pounds. The truth couldn’t be any further from those stats.

In this fitness motivation video I show you why relying on other peoples stats or more importantly, other peoples results instead of an innate drive to improve yourself is a recipe for failure. Looking in the mirror every day and not liking what you see staring back at you should be enough motivation to change your habits. It’s great to look to others for inspiration. Growing up I found inspiration in Sylvester Stallone, and Arnold Schwarzenegger but I recognized only one of them was somewhat realistic in terms of what I could achieve. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t learn from the other. Dedication, work ethic, were just some of the qualities that I’ve taken from my hero of the past.

If you want to change your body you must realize that it is going to take work and while only you can do it, it’s also important to realize your results are going to be different from everyone else’s. It’s not complicated but that doesn’t make it easy. That said, starting on your goals is the most important (and the only thing) you can do today. You have no control over the actions of others but you can use their success and the lessons they offer to better yourself. Whether it’s Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, Thor Bjornsson, or some that super fit person at your local gym. Learn what you can from them and be inspired by their success but be careful not to measure your success by the success of others.


  1. I’m 5’11 almost 6 and I’m 185 lbs with 20% bf hahaha I have very wide shoulders but also very wide hips and a short torso.. I really don’t think I have good bodybuilding genetics 😭

  2. And what about Jesse? I can relate much more to Jesse, the hard-gainer. Jesse, please give up your stats!

  3. Honestly I wanted to find out your stats to estimate what I need to lower my weight down to. (nutritionally and athletically) cause Towards the end of 2018 summer, I was @180 and I’m 5’6. So seeing that you’re much taller than me and WEIGH LESS than me, it’s clear that I’m wayyyy outta shape (and I knew I was out of shape with beer belly and side fat and neck fat) I lost 32Ibs now and I’m sitting @148Ibs. I then tried seeing someone else’s stats similar to my height such as the pro boxer manny (PacMan) and he’s typically 140, and around 145 off season. And I realize that my weight is still needed to decrease (body fat) of course losing some bit of muscle mass was required which I was fine with. I’m seeing very slim noticeable abdominals. And I’m happy with what I’ve achieved so far. Thx for your videos! I personally had chest issues and triceps since it didn’t show at all. Now im looking very tone and pretty athletic if I say so myself. 🙏🏼🙌🏽

  4. Isn’t having less than 8% bodyfat for more than a couple of weeks super unhealthy? Like your hormones go crazy, your libido dies, your brain switch into survival mode and so on?

  5. So I did some rough estimating:
    I’m about the exact same height/weight as Jeff (5’ 10.5”, 167lbs) but I’m definitely not as lean as him (~10% body fat). That means I have like 16.7lbs of fat, whereas Jeff has about 10lbs at 5.8% body fat. That means if you take all of our fat away, I weigh about 150lbs and Jeff weighs 163lbs. So assuming the rest of our bodies are more-or-less the same (same bone/organ mass), Jeff has 13lbs more than me of pure muscle mass. Which is nuts

  6. I literally guessed 5'11 and 173lb
    . Smartest thing i'll do all week and nobody knows or cares. 🤦🏻‍♂️

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