How to teach your wife ANYTHING!

How to teach your wife ANYTHING!

Most men who love jiu-jitsu, want the women in their life to learn the art, but they have NO CLUE how to teach and as a result they ruin it from the onset! In this short excerpt from the new Women Empowered 2.0 instructional program, Rener discusses the 3 most important teaching tips every man must follow if they’re going to ignite the jiu-jitsu fire in significant others!


  1. This made me realize the mistakes I've made with my girl. Thank you for this

  2. I tapped out my dog with a triangle and then he bit my nuts. My dog is a poor sport.

  3. THIS IS HOW TO TEACH ANYONE ANYTHING. Unless you are in a situation where speed of learning is critical, you should use this approach on everybody. Bad title brother, makes it seem like wives are dumb.

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