Did Jussie Smollett Fake Everything??? - YMH Highlight

Did Jussie Smollett Fake Everything??? – YMH Highlight

What’s going on with Jussie Smollett from Empire? Tom and Christina recap what’s been going on in the news with him, and the story get’s weirder and weirder! If Jussie wanted to make this all up, he should have covered his tracks better, right? If you have any tips for Jussie, go ahead and leave it in the comment section!


  1. This video started out reminding me of the cancelled McD sponsorship, but it's not a gag or comedy bit this time. Is this real life?

  2. Sorry Tom but your wife ruins the show and is she drawing a doodle on the paper during the show.

  3. Jussie (one of the dumbest names ever) Smollett is the definition of the peak of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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