Did Jussie Smollett Fake Everything??? - YMH Highlight

Did Jussie Smollett Fake Everything??? – YMH Highlight

What’s going on with Jussie Smollett from Empire? Tom and Christina recap what’s been going on in the news with him, and the story get’s weirder and weirder! If Jussie wanted to make this all up, he should have covered his tracks better, right? If you have any tips for Jussie, go ahead and leave it in the comment section!


  1. this story is harder to ignore than the tension between tim segundo and chrustuna and theo von!

    maybe juss can ask everyone to ignore it. like tom wants us to ignore that he ignores theos existence!

  2. Used to like Tom Segura and Christina Pazsitzky until I listened to a few episodes of their podcast. Christ, they are boring! Seriously, if they were hosting a party I'd be like "Hey, guys, I've got to get up early tomorrow and take my kids to soccer practice. No, no…I'll definitely call you!"
    Jesus, they suck. Sorry…just giving a real opinion. This just ain't for everyone. Hearing their mundane banter makes me never want to get married or ever have another human relationship again in this lifetime.
    |It makes me want to stick my head in an oven.

  3. He was all weird during interview. Thought it might just be his lack of public speaking skills. Wrong. Lack of lying skills. POS!

  4. he didnt turn over any evidence bcuz there wasnt any. He was(nt) out at 2am walking… in a blizzard… and his attackers brought bleach with them………. hmmmmmm. And he hadnt suffered any physical damage. The actor who cried wolf

    bitch u know those guys werent white. You made all this shit up and it backfired

  5. Jesus christ tom this is why you dont get your news from social media. At no point did any serious news outlet claim he staged this because he didnt get enough attention for the hate letter 🤦‍♂️ the hate letter was stage 1 to make stage 2 (the beating) more believable and was planned like that from the beginning. The only theory that has changed is originally they said he did it out of fear of getting written off (which makes no sense hes an important character to the show and the story line hasnt been leading in a direction that would make sense for him to be suddenly gone) to what I believe is the truth that he is unhappy with how much he is getting paid considering how important he is to the show and wanted to to raise his profile and gain sympathy before his upcoming contract negotiation. Either way if christina spent less time burping and farting into mics and actually tried to contribute to the show in any meaningful way maybe you guys could have a good conversation together for once instead or at least an accurate one instead of Tom carrying the whole podcast while she acts like the ugly red headed step child that will do anything for attention smh

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