Your Mom's House Podcast - Ep. 483 w/ Neal Brennan & Pete Holmes

Your Mom’s House Podcast – Ep. 483 w/ Neal Brennan & Pete Holmes

This week, The Mommies learn that McDonalds was NOT “lovin’ it” when it comes to the newest member of “The Cool Guy Club,” Terry. Tom and Christina experienced a “Mommy Night Out” which led to shower adventures. Tom tells us about his examination with everyone’s favorite doctor. Also, The Mommies feel bad that they might hate their dogs.

Josh Potter comes back on YMH to tell us about the unique scumbaggery that lives in the radio industry, and to discuss Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s “features.”

Neal Brennan joins the show and asks about the origin of some of the best YMH folklore. He tells The Mommies about why Half Baked almost ruined his career, the level of fame in which Eddie Murphy is working in and what a jerk Bill Cosby is (aside from the obvious reasons.)

THEN, it’s the star and creator of HBO’s CRASHING, Pete Holmes! We get Pete’s opinion on some “Christian Comedy,” he tells us what “Sacred Raisin Cakes” are, shames Tom’s frivolous lifestyle among MANY pearls of wisdom.


  1. Sucks to get fired for something you do every week. I can't believe they sign a 2.3mil check without even checking past many years of content hahahahaha.

  2. That Mc Donald's voice mail is Kyle Dunigan. Good bit, I didn't watch last week so I don't know how it started but this ending is pretty funny.

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