Your Mom's House Podcast - Ep 481 YMH Studio Launch

Your Mom’s House Podcast – Ep 481 YMH Studio Launch

It’s finally here. We have moved…Inside Studio Jeans and we got our friends together to celebrate the new space and their new shows.

It might be an upgraded studio but it’s still Tommy and Tina and all the wonderful clips and conversations that keep your jeans so high and tight.

When Christina was anxious last week what did Tommy show her to calm her down? It may not have been the best idea.

PLUS, Louie CK’s new set was leaked and ripped to shreds. T&C weigh in.

AND, they are joined by Dr. Drew to discuss his new podcast, Dr. Drew After Dark where he examines clips from YMH and how Tom and Tina reacted to them. Plus Drew will talk to a comedian and explore what’s going on under the hood with them.

AND Ryan Sickler steps in for a hilarious conversation and to talk about his new podcast, The Honeydew. Sickler will have rotating guest hosts, and guests to discuss low points in their lives and how they found their way up and out of them.

All the podcasts will be available on their own RSS feeds for download or on YMH Youtube channel. Pull em up!

Finally Andrew Santino stops in and once again kills it in the guest chair. His new show, Whiskey Ginger will also be found on the Youtube channel. There, you can hear him interview different guests ranging from comedians to not-comedians.


  1. I don't like the new studio, what is with the lights so bright?

  2. Love Tom and Christina …the new studio seems game show ish…but…I Will continue to watch like share and support these 2 weirdos…only cuz I relate a bit too much to them..😂🤣

  3. I fully support you guys but this is going to be damn hard to get used to. We can't reasonably expect you to redo the whole set but maybe at least change the color scheme and lighting? With all the wood working and crown molding it looks like you hired Joe as your contractor. It makes Bunz look like he's in front of a green screen for some reason. In my worthless opinion I would also stain the wood a darker color but I'm just a poly and bi internet stranger.

  4. The best addition to this show is the long awaited FART MIC. I believe within the next 100 episodes we will get our very first live and unedited double pipe classic. Keep em high and tight

  5. Anyone else think the studio is too much? Feels like im watching a tv show

  6. McDonalds uses red and yellow because it's been proven to induce hunger. So long high-and-tight, hello low-and-loose.

  7. I love you hitlers so much and the new studio is kewl, just remove the weird ass political desks in the middle. Wanted to give an aesthetic opinion :)!

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