Interviewing the REAL Julia!! – YMH Highlight

Good morning, Julia!!!! Skip to 6:10 for actual interview. We finally did it and got the real Julia on the phone to get the real story! How did Joe get the number? What does her boyfriend think about it? Are they going full throttle? We start with a few all-female submissions for “Good Morning, Julia” and then get into an amazing call! Do YOU have any videos sent to you by any creeps? Send them to us! #YMH #GoodMorningJulia #FullThrottle #ItsMeJoe


  1. This is one of the best videos. Got an explanation of the interaction, debunked all the other stories, revealed how fucking psycho this guy is

  2. Good thing she switched gyms, or else she wouldn't have been alive for this hilarious interview

  3. I showed the original video to my coworkers separately, and also my brother my bro is the only person who could finish it. My boss and two or three female co-workers each we're mortified and could only make it about a minute through they all said they couldn't do it it was hilarious to just just watching them cringe.

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