The Best Workout Split for MAXIMUM Muscle Gains

The Best Workout Split for MAXIMUM Muscle Gains

Whether you are following a total body workout split or a bro split (or any variation of) you are going to want to watch this video. Find out the best workout split for building maximum muscle gains and overall performance. There is a key message that you will not want to miss when it comes to answering this question truthfully and without relying on simple studies to do so.

When we talk about workout splits we are referring to the way that you break up your training over a period of time. Generally, this is the amount of workouts that it takes to complete one cycle of training and that ensures that you are hitting all of the areas you are attempting to target in your workouts. One of the most popular ways to split up workouts right now is actually one of the oldest in the books, and that is total body training.

This refers to performing three total body workouts per week, generally on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday with the remainder of the days either being reserved for conditioning or rest. The benefits to this type of training are the higher focus on compound lifts that are designed to hit maximum muscle in each lift as well as the increased time for recovery.

Additionally, as science would indicate, hitting a muscle (even with a lower daily volume) more frequently in a training cycle is one of the most effective ways to make it grow. This would mean that if you were once following a more traditional bro split where you trained say chest just once per week with twelve to sixteen sets you would now be doing it as four to five sets per day over the three days in the week.

The restimulation of the chest every 48 hours is sufficient to increase muscle protein synthesis without waiting too long to hit the muscle again (as would happen with a bro split – or at least a poorly planned one). Does that mean that bro splits don’t work? Not at all. In fact, this is one of those instances of throwing the baby out with the bath water. Nobody could argue that the single muscle group per day routine has been effective for some. Maybe not as much as total body training, but there are many instances of it working well, and quite well to be exact.

How can that be? How can something that is somehow proven by science to be inferior actually produce results that in some cases are superior? That is because the real best way to split your workout for maximum gains is to switch what you are doing when you can honestly answer that you have stopped making gains in either strength, size or both. Just because something is supposed to be the best doesn’t mean that it is best for you at this time. Changing your split may reveal to you that certain muscle groups of yours are more responsive on a different training cycle.

The best you could do at that point is take the observations that you have made and use them to adapt your workout plan to idealize the volume and frequency that your body responds to the best. This video is meant to open your eyes to that possibility. If you are looking to change your current workout split and want to be sure you are putting the latest science into your workouts to make sure you get it right, head to the link below to pick the program best suited to your goals.


  1. It makes sense. I just went to a 3 day full body and it’s way different and better so far then the iso split I was doing. Plus you get a heck of a sweat going.

  2. Jeff, I changed my split from
    Monday -Chest and Triceps,
    Tuesday-Back and Biceps
    Thursday -Shoulders
    Friday -Legs
    Monday -Push(Chest, Triceps, Shoulders)
    Tuesday -(Back, biceps, Traps, Rear Delts)
    Wednesday -(Legs)
    Thursday -Push
    I noticed that my workouts are lasting longer that 40 minuets because I’m trying to figure out how to cram all these workouts in that 40 minute window, and I also developed insomnia and slight anxiety. Could this be that I’m over training. Unfortunately, I’ve always been a light sleeper, insomnia runs in my family. But lately I haven’t been sleeping all that well. My meal plan is check however, I drink plenty of water, I cook my own healthy meals, and I make sure I’m getting plenty of protein.

  3. ….IMHO: I seem to be a slender, "hard gainer", and am finding it perplexing as to whether I ought to be more focused on "hypertrophy", or, "building/gaining strength". I think that I would be better off trying to go for fewer reps, under a higher load(force), than trying to do higher reps, at a lesser stress(force) level. How can One do so, and find the "sweet spot" without risking some kind of injury, or serious joint damage, due to striving to do something way too difficult?!…..

  4. The only reason why I do the typical bro split is because I have a high physical demanding job and I don't like have multiple muscles fatigues so I am unable do my job well or with an additional level of difficulty. Plus more rest for each muscle so I can go max intensity every time I train a muscle group FOR STRENGTH ONLY!

  5. Im in the gym 4 times a week
    Right now im doing
    push pull legs off TB off off
    Is that a good split or would you recomend another split??

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