Road Rage w/ Greg Fitzsimmons - YMH Highlight

Road Rage w/ Greg Fitzsimmons – YMH Highlight

What’s your worst road rage story? Tom Segura, Christina P, and Greg Fitzsimmons share their craziest stories, including getting physical with the car window of one of the writers of Lost!


  1. Christina is a LA native so, yeh, she drives and talks shit… It's in their nature.

  2. I used to be a roadrager. . ive followed and fucked multiple people up and their cars. . now I drive nice and polite for the record before the pussies start bashin me.

  3. 6:13 Come on Tim… we all know there is no way Fitzsimmons is punching through a window πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. "Like, I was like 26 yrs old. I was driving like a Chevy Nova. Like Come on Bro"
    -Christina P
    God shes annoying sometimes

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