Joe Rogan Experience #1245 - Andrew Yang

Joe Rogan Experience #1245 – Andrew Yang

Andrew Yang is an American entrepreneur, the founder of Venture for America, and a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.


  1. Okay so he cites Alaska as everyone gets 1000 a month no questions asked as if its his argument for it but then says that if you make more than 1000 a month UBI will not stack on top…WHY THE FUCK USE ALASKA AS A EXAMPLE??? That trucker he keeps talking about losing his job has a 50k per year job, if he loses that you think 12k a year is going to pay his bills to keep a vehicle up and running, mortage payment, electricity, water, phone bill, food, gas,internet, and not including if he has kids! GTFO

  2. Bought and paid for by the Communist Party of China (CPC). A lot of these politicians has been funding politicians in alot of swing states, ignorer to create anti-trump sentiment for his anti-chines business practices. I don't believe any of what was said in this interview. Commie bullshit, I'm not an entrepreneur I'm a CAPITALIS, bitch. I didn't realize Joe was ANTI-AMERICAN.

  3. Sooo Mr. Yang has 17 thousand likes! For a lot lizzard? Catching rides with truckers! Chinese guy running for President and this is Joe Rogans guest after Jack Dorsey!!! Damn Joe you are gone! Wtf? I'm so done with you, Smh

  4. I don't think its good idea to give people free money .. whatever term you use. Money need to be earn. Better if it's like " i give u 1000/month in exchange do mandatory volunteer job ( sweep the street, paint fire hydrant, feed stray cat, patrolling the neighborhood , clean the park, etc) , it train people to earn something and train them to not become entitled people, plus those people didn't own anything to the government, because the earn it (sort of speak). No one give free money for nothing.

  5. America needs an Asian Male President FINALLY ABOUT TIME! If you don't, then you are all racists! Yeah, I can play that card, too 🙂

  6. I definitely don’t trust this guy. Did he say young people fresh out of college have lower expectation? From my experience, these millennials expect the world handed to them on silver platters. Eh, the Demos won’t let him win over all the women who are running.

  7. $12K a year might be less than $50K a year, but at least the rent could be paid.

  8. As a Mid-Conservative I like this guys idea. It sounds feasible. I'm sure there's a lot more to it. But I'm no economist.

  9. Universal income would help me. Alberta rural Mechanic out of work and in ruin because i cant find a job. I would vote for this man.

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