Joe Rogan Experience #1245 - Andrew Yang

Joe Rogan Experience #1245 – Andrew Yang

Andrew Yang is an American entrepreneur, the founder of Venture for America, and a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate.


  1. Wrong diet is the #1 cause of dead in the USA. Think about it, what you put in your body is your diet. So drug overdose is having a drug diet. And most people commit suicide because they are physically and mentally unhealthy, caused by poor diet.

  2. Whats more cliche' than a Chinese guy going to Law school. Nothing! I Bet his parents were so dissapoonted when he told them he was going in to politics. Paid for by the Communist Party of Chinese.. then they were proud.

  3. Why wouldn’t you means test to see who DOES NOT need the $1000 and increase that amount???? To those that do

  4. Regarding 'economic growth' there is a scenario that I think is far more realistic and is backed by Microeconomics 101… Increasing the money hand outs given to the public increases the demand for the supply of goods and services without increasing the supply of labor which means the only economic adjustment that happens is that prices go up to meet the increased demand which completely negates the 'increased wealth' of the population. Not only that, but more USD printed and handed out (unless you're increasing taxes which would also negate the handout) would decrease the value of the USD.

    If anyone actually believes UBI will work would also have a high tendency of buying into a pyramid scheme, which is how this is being sold.

  5. "wow this democrat is actually reasonable but i still hate libruls"
    -this comment section after listening to a progressive that isn't in an sjw owned compilation for the first time in their lives.

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