How to Fix Plantar Fasciitis (NO MORE HEEL PAIN!)

How to Fix Plantar Fasciitis (NO MORE HEEL PAIN!)

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common recurring tendonitis injuries that active people will have to deal with. Often times, the reason why the plantar fascia keeps getting inflamed and the symptoms keep coming back is due to the fact that we never truly treat the cause of the pain rather just the source of the pain. In this video, I’m going to show you what is really causing your heel pain so you can finally fix it forever.

First, it helps to understand the role of the plantar fascia. The real job of this tough structure is to support your arch in standing. It runs from the calcaneus or heel distally towards the tendon sheaths of the toes. Essentially, it spans the entire arch and can be felt if you strum across this area with your thumb. For those that have inflammation of the fascia, you feel a distinct knife-life stabbing pain in your heel when you take a step (especially in the morning).

The reason the symptoms are particularly worst in the morning is that the plantar fascia has had a chance to shorten and tighten up a bit over night with your foot remaining in a plantar flexed position mostly from the covers pulling your ankle down. Even later in the day however, the pain is obvious and it prevents those that suffer from it from walking, running or competing normally.

The problem is that people often times will seek out treatment for their plantar fasciitis and be left with either no resolution to the problem or worse, they feel slightly better but the pain comes back quickly. This is because doing nothing but ultrasounding, rubbing, massaging or rolling a lacrosse ball on the arch is not getting at the real problem. You are simply attacking the symptom and not the cause. So let’s get to the cause.

Most of the time, if you test your calf flexibility on the side of pain and determine that you have calf tightness then you definitely want to fix that since that is almost always the cause of same sided pain. The problem is however, doing a traditional hanging standing calf stretch off the stairs is not going to fix this pain. Instead, you need to realize that the pain is coming from the inability of the foot to maintain a rigid position at the time you lift your heel off the ground to propel your body. It is maintaining an everted heel with a loose midfoot which creates an unstable foot to try and press off of. This will result in an enormous amount of stress being shifted to the fascia to do something it is not equipped to do.

So if you want to stretch your calf you have to place the foot back in the position you are struggling to maintain. This is shown in three different ways in the video. Now, if the pain you are getting is coming from a side that does not exhibit calf tightness then you would want to look to the opposite side glute medius for weakness or a lack of thoracic extension or rotation to that side.

When the glute medium is weak on the opposite hip you get a dropping of the hip on that side. This forces the opposite foot (the one you are having the pain on) into pronation and creates an unstable foot once again. Either way, regardless of what the cause is you can see that it has nothing to do with the foot itself and everything to do with the joints above like the ankle, hip or spine.

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  1. Would you mind linking the exercises you mentioned for the glute medius and posture mentioned in the video? This was the best explanation of the causes of plantar fasciitis I’ve heard so far.

  2. That was to be my next question,why doesn’t the Drs know this information. I have had a steroid inject for this and no joy. I now hate going out, as I need to lean on trolleys and sit all the time. I feel like a crippled old lady. My quality of life has deteriorated. I will try your method it does make sense.

  3. I developed this condition after running an average of 6-8 miles per day. I've tried the ball routine and got nowhere…your video seems as though it was meant for me to see. I am going to start doing the stretches right away…I do have tight calf muscles, so I am sure it is the first stretch you demonstrated…I can't wait to see the results. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

  4. I tried this and it works!!
    I did pain medication, special foot massage balls and massagers but they only help for a couple of hours and the pain would come back.
    But trying this I have a whole day of relief!! I am going to keep this up with this stretching and stretching my calf’s.

  5. Thank you from a CNA in nursing school. My heels have been killing me lately and usually all my pain is in my back but now halfway through my shift I’m almost limping from heel pain.

  6. All my physical therapist said was to buy better insoles. Thanks Jeff for not giving the band aid solution in your videos

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