How to adapt your Judo to no gi & the pros and cons to using Taekwondo in a street fight

How to adapt your Judo to no gi & the pros and cons to using Taekwondo in a street fight

Coach Firas zahabi talks about how to adapt your judo to no gi using as example some of the big names in the MMA world like Fedor and Akiyama who have perfected no gi judo in their game. He also talks about pros and cons of using Taekwondo in a street fight.


  1. What about Rhonda and Kayla. Both women have excellent takedowns. Also, Rhadi Ferguson had great takedowns. Satoshi Ishii and Jimmy Pedro.

  2. Coach I am a big akiyama fan… But in my opinion karo parysian is #2 for judo takedowns in mma. I think akiyamas judo did not translate as well to the cage as karos style.

  3. Akiyama's trip against Shields was just a thing of beauty, he just toyed with him.

  4. Great breakdown of Judo, man! I've been wanting to learn that along with TKD, so I really appreciate your insights. In regards to TKD and anyone wanting to use it in a street fight, buy BARBELL JEANS! You can do full splits and throw any kick you want with no resistance! They look amazing on top of that.

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