A Burger Scholar Breaks Down Classic Regional Burger Styles | The Burger Show

A Burger Scholar Breaks Down Classic Regional Burger Styles | The Burger Show

In the second episode of The Burger Show, host Alvin Cailan teams up with burger scholar George Motz to learn about the diversity of burgers across the U.S. Just like barbecue, the burger has absorbed local traditions—in places like Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Connecticut—that reflect a unique sense of regional pride. From the glory of deep-fried patties, to the mechanical wizardry of steamed cheeseburgers, Alvin receives a master class in regional burger styles.


  1. The steamed one looks really interesting… Can't imagine it really tastes better than your typical burger though.

  2. In Britain, no one calls them Hamburgers anymore. I'm over 50 and can remember as a kid everyone said hamburger but now, it's just burger or beef burger.

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