Your Mom's House Podcast - Ep. 480

Your Mom’s House Podcast – Ep. 480

Well Jean, here we are. Another year, another pair of tightly worn denim.

Sadly this is the last episode we will have done in the “old” home studio, but we are so excited to be moving to our new spot, Studio Jeans.

Christina and Tom recall all the studios they’ve done the show in and explore a very nice young man who is looking for a nice lady to accompany him to pain clinics.

Plus, we have the visual effects producer from Tip Toes on the phone AND Josh Potter is back to not talk about serial killers, but instead, adult toys – much more fun, we promise!

Happy New Year, go get it, Jean!


  1. Do you still not want to come back with shit on your finger??

    Asking for a friend.

  2. It's about time. I stumbled upon this podcast during the Christmas weekend/week and it made dealing with family more tolerable. I went for many "walks" and would come back and watch these. I must have watched about 20 of them from Sunday to Tuesday. I have seen so many of them I kind of feel like we're family now. You two make me laugh, keep up the good work.

  3. The way Tom gets mad at the end for Christina cutting him off reminded me of a person about too beat his wife Tom keep your pants 👖 on man

  4. this is the first channel i turned notifications on for. congrats on being a part of history 👖

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