Rener Gracie vs. 4 Korean Black Belts

Rener Gracie vs. 4 Korean Black Belts

After an awesome super seminar at I had a chance to spar with the four black belts in attendance. I narrated it so you know what I was thinking the whole time!

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  1. Yeah I would have just went north south I play the side control north south side control north south that's the best f*** Mountain your opponent for all that b***** if you got side control don't give that s*** up north south try to control you would not get out of my s***

  2. can't imagine the amount of pressure Rener must feel having to always represent his lineage with grandfathers picture there on the wall. Even though its a "friendly" role. Sure hes being tested.
    Hes's probably use to it by now,,.

  3. bjj is the only sport where "he's really strong" isn't a compliment πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. Wow he is such a badass! I think i saw him when he was a kid on my base at Fort Lewis tapping out some of the toughest wrestler soldiers we had. At least I think it was him. Either way, great video and also pleasantly surprised South Korea where I was once stationed and did a whole bunch of Taekwondo and Hapkido because that was all that was available now has solid BJJ black belts and schools. πŸ‘πŸ‘

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