Pete Holmes on Christian Jokes - YMH Highlight

Pete Holmes on Christian Jokes – YMH Highlight

Is there anything worse than a Christian joke-off? Pete Holmes, Tom Segura, and Christina P try to see if they got what it takes to crack these religious riddles.


  1. It's boil the HELL out of it. Still a bad joke, but they could at least get the bad joke right lol

  2. can any Christians confirm that sacred raisin cakes means butthole? all I can find is that they're aphrodisiacs

  3. My dad was a pastor and used to tell us Christian jokes. Ex.
    Did you know they had cars in the Bible days? It says the disciples were all in one Accord. It also says God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in his Fury.

    Why did circumcisers have so much in the Bible days? They got to keep all the tips. (This was considered off color)


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