Alexander Gustafsson Questions USADA's Strict Liability Standard

Alexander Gustafsson Questions USADA’s Strict Liability Standard

Alexander Gustafsson lost his bid for the UFC light heavyweight title against Jon Jones at UFC 232. Since then, however, his team – lead by his manager Nima Safapour – has questioned the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)’s inconsistent application of the ‘strict liability’ standard.

As I argue in this video, he’s completely right to raise these issues and they shed light on the troubling, often ad hoc method by which anti-doping authorities will adjudicate cases.


  1. Microdosing the drug he has exception for due to he's exempt. Y u think he took a fight so quickly again.

  2. You are extremely ill advised and uneducated on this topic. Please stop spreading your nonsense on the matter. It’s obvious you don’t understand the first thing about science, and also have never played any form of sport at a high level, let alone a combat sport. Just stop.

  3. Yeah it’s very convenient that this exemption comes when it’s jones on the line…

  4. Yeah Luke, years and years of testing around the world but only Jon Jones has these issues and suddenly all the science is in question. Whatever.

  5. Gus. Is. Not. The. One. To. Make. These. Arguments.

    He's lost in 3 title fights, and one #1 contender. What happened in the first Gus Jones fights or the DC fight or the Rumble fight? Just stop.

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