Kevin Hart Should NOT Apologize – YMH Highlight

Although Kevin Hart stepped down from hosting the Oscars, one thing all comedians commend him for is not apologizing for a joke. What do you think he should have done?


  1. Big difference between joking on a stage in a comedy club where people paid to see you and they know you and your comedy and spewing actual homophobic shit at people and genuinly using slurs on an open public forum to the masses

  2. I think outrage culture is definitely out of control and I'm not saying Kevin Hart should have been removed from the Oscar's for saying homophobic things…BUT….

    The tweets were homophobic. Like I dont believe that Kevin Hart would have actually beaten his kid with a doll house. But I dont think he would want his kid to be gay. We have to get to a point where we can call things what they are but also recognize that it shouldn't cost people their careers if they say something offensive. There's a balance there. And simply saying something is a joke is a copout. Everyone has biases. Everyone. So let's stop pretending like everything is a joke or that saying hurtful things doesn't come from some place of hate. But let's also allow people the room to grow and be human. In essence, I think these two are missing the mark and trying to explain away a really offensive thing said by a public figure because their career depends on being able to do that. But if Tom comes out tomorrow and starts writing the N-word all over twitter… do we all just have to chalk that up as a joke? No one is allowed to be hurt by that word because hes a comedian? Nah. Now, on the other side of that, I dont think Tom should lose his career over the N word either. I think both sides of this debate are missing the mark.

  3. It's gotta be a power trip or something. I honestly have no clue how we ended up in this situation. Entitled young kids who have never experienced the real world or hardship, with too much of a voice on the internet, influencing other young impressionable idiots who are in the same boat. That's my best guess. The liberal media is supporting it 100% too.

  4. Damn straight. Kevin has addressed his past, made his statements, apologized where necessary, and he doesn't need to go through it again. He's grown, most of us have, now the others just need to grow up as well.

  5. People should see the way he would say "Stop! That's gay! Stop!" on stage because it was freaking hilarious.

  6. There's a thing in law that if a law is created then you can't be tried for breaking that law before it was created. What's happening now is people are being attacked for things that they did when it was socially acceptable but now it's taboo. and it's really unfair to the people being attacked because they could think completely different now than they did before. It's also impossible to know what might be socially unacceptable in 10 years so there's a fear that you might say something today that in a decade will get you socially blacklisted.

  7. I dont think kevin should be kicked out of his role as oscar host. It seemed sufficient when he said that people change their views as they get older. But his jokes were undoubtedly homophobic, i dont think you can just chock this up to outrage culture or jokes being taken out of context or just being tasteless and when you look into his apologies it just further made it seem like the jokes were just genuinely anti gay bullshit

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