Joe Rogan Experience #1213 – Dr. Andrew Weil


  1. Does anybody question why the USA has a mass shooting per day? Because Americans get their narrative from guys like Rogan. Money, Money, Money. Buy, buy, buy. Shoot, shoot, shoot. Death culture thrives.

  2. This guy is so full of bull crap, Joe should’ve called him out on a lot of these tall tales

  3. That is Neil Degrasse Tyson’s voice twin! I thought YouTube started playing his episode

  4. It's funny hearing Andrew Weil talking about the need for more studies when he doesn't like evidence based medicine. What a fucking hypocritical quack.

  5. hey dude… did you see how easily Pelosi emasculated Donnie? Still think Fallon Fox could not get her/his ass kicked by a woman??? 😉

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