1932 Packard Twin-Six: A Tribute to Phil Hill – Jay Leno’s Garage

Jay pays tribute to his late friend, Phil Hill, in his 1932 Packard Twin-Six, restored by the Formula 1 Champion himself.


  1. Very, very beautiful car….certainly one of the finest, most beautiful cars Mr. Leno has shown thus far. One other comment…..Mr. Leno said that Packard came out with the Twin Six in 1912….that is in error…the Packard Twin Six arrived on the scene in 1915. Terrific car………my wife and I absolutely LOVED seeing this car…….Blessings, Jack

  2. Whats funny is this car has more features than some of the modern cars at the car lots nowdays….smh

  3. 12:49 Seriously???? The one feature I was the most interested in seeing…. (as I think its quite unique especially for this early automobiles).
    And you cut to a shot of Jay talking. As he was demonstrating how to operate this cool feature he mentioned twice and lauded.
    Yes I know thats Jay Leno! I am watching a video with his name in it. I dont need to see his face, I kind of know how he looks by now, 12 minutes in. Oh wow, he is talking about a car, because you see, he is in a car and talking whilst poiting at the dash, amazing!

    Sorry guys, I still liked your video, but I just dont understand the reason behind some of these random edits. I gotten used to very quick and poorly framed shots of the engine, but comme on. Yes its a free video, I am gratefull for that. But you allready did the hard work, its filmed. But just leave more screen time for showing of the car in the final edit. Thats all.
    We love listening to Jay, but its the cars we want to see.

  4. what an amazing vehicle, and that rear seat!
    I bet it is pretty amazing to ride in the rear of this thing

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