Which 90’s WWE Stars Did NOT Live Up To Your Expectations?


  1. I think Sid was over because he had a distinct look and seemed like a genuinely unhinged badass.

  2. Does anyone know why Sid was so over in '96? Was it just because people missed him THAT much? Or did fans begin to sour on Shawn Michaels?

  3. Val Venis should have been a bigger deal but he wasn’t able to rise to the occasion. He just couldn’t get over the hump.

  4. Had Ken Shamrock debut in say 1994-95, he easily would’ve been the top heel and perfect for feuding with Bret and Shawn

  5. Jim Cornette actually stated in a shoot interview that the problems with Vader almost begain immediately. He said that when he went out to the ring to introduce Vader he said,"It's time.","It's time." and the fans went nuts which pissed Vince off because he had it stuck in head that Vader should be heel and he even wanted to change Vader's name. He wanted to call him The Mastadon and Cornette said,"It's f*cking Vader." I honestly think that,that's Vince's logic. Look at Matt Bloom. He comes in as Albert,becomes A-Train and then become Tensi but nothing major changes so of course the fans were screaming,"Albert." at him. They would've done the same with Vader and to me the two things that really sealed it for Vader was 1. The match at Summer Slam,with Shawn Michaels,because Cornette said that Michaels didn't like working with Vader. (Michaels complained that Vader was too stiff,he didn't like getting yanked around the hair,and if you watch the match there's a spot where Shawn goes for the elbow from the top rope,stops short,kicks Vader a bunch of times and apparently Cornette said Shawn screaming,"Move." and calling Vader names. He even threatened to get Vader fired and 2. Vince McMahon was always on Leon White to lose weight and I guess that just didn't happen. It's just funny because obviously even back then Vince did not know how to market a WCW guy. He did okay with Flair but was ,in my mind,more to do with Heenan, Hening and Flair then it was Vince and yeah,maybe Vader rubbed people the wrong way but I think that at that time Vince was too interested in letting Shawn Michaels get his own way and it probably cost him because Vader could've been so much more. I mean he beat up Monsoon, the match at Summer Slam was not awful,and Vader was an atheltic guy who could really wow people and instead it was,"Well, give the Kliq what they want." Screw that! I think if Michaels had gone to WCW he would've back as soon as his contract ended. Michaels proved he couldn't play politics as well as Hogan and he wouldn't have been able to do it in WCW so I think the WWE really missed the boat on Vader.

  6. as a wcw guy for me Bret Hart did not live up to expectations in wcw when he came in from wwf

  7. Did Solomonster forget that Brian died October of 97, about 7 months before Austin won the WWF championship

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