Which 90’s WWE Stars Did NOT Live Up To Your Expectations?


  1. Brian Pillman could've been a main event player if he hadn't passed away. He probably could've had a long feud with Austin after WM14, also be 2 times IC champion in '99, and maybe he might've ally with Vince McMahon and his faction.

  2. With Sid thats when crowds started turning on faces even when he went back to WCW he was mad over.

  3. "I'm a piece of shit!,Nuthin but a fat piece of shiiii…." – he pushes Michael Cole who had the mic

  4. Pillman is a sad one, he had so much potential especially after unleashing the Loose Cannon character

  5. Scott Hall (Razor Ramon) Was So Cool. He Should Have Been The Wwf Champion. He Was Only Intercontinental Champion. He Did Not Live Up To Expectations.

  6. Tatanka comes to mind for me too! I mean, how do you have a 2 year undefeated streak and not get a big push for upper mud-card talent or main event? Same thing for, Marc Mero.

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