Triangle Attempt in Walmart?!?!

She tried a triangle choke in Walmart! 😲😲😲 #blackfriday


  1. First of all let's not even talk about adults fighting in Wal-Mart. I guess these broads never heard of the internet. Second, not over state the obvious but u can't finish a triangle from quarter guard. At the very least stand up properly… DAAAMMN!!!

  2. was the mistake turning her back to the woman she was fighting?

  3. I like how for number 4 they put "leave a comment" as shes pointing down lol.

  4. She wasn't attempting a triangle. She was just blocking her opponent's movement with her leg.

  5. The black hoodie was tied around her waist, which means it’s not a hero hoodie😜🤓

  6. The only answer is ….just walk away from the argument from the beginning. There's no need to fight in the first place unless you are defending yourself.

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