Tom Segura’s Audition Footage for Instant Family – YMH Highlight

Tom Segura and Christina P. watch Tom’s audition footage for the film Instant Family with the director Sean Anders. After you watch Tom cringe at his performance, go see Instant Family in theaters, starring Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne as two parents who adopt three young children; Isabela Moner, Margo Martindale, Julie Hagerty, Tig Notaro and Octavia Spencer also star.


  1. This is true humility. Proof Buns is the Water Champ, and highest and tightest Mommy.

  2. Best part was that you felt like you are fair play because you also make fun of people. I love that ego check! You two rock!

    PS when are you going to get new jokes that one on Netflix so I can watch you perform?

  3. Tom CAN act, look up The People's Mayor. DO IT! It deserves the views.

  4. this is great Happy he shared this with us fans… doesn't want to say Hi at a show but includes us in this!!! good on you Tom

  5. I hope Bert shows us his audition footage after he finally goes to America's Biggest Loser.

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