Thoughts on CrossFit, what is fitness? – Coach Firas Zahabi

Coach Zahabi gives his opinion on CrossFit, talking about the pros and cons, going in depth referencing some of the history and names in the sport. He also examines what it is to be fit by talking about different disciplines where fitness is employed.


  1. Cross training isn't Crossfit. Crossfit is a sport, which you diagnosed accurately. Cross training existed decades before Crosafit ™.

    Cross training is great. Crossfit isn't inherently bad. Crossfit isn't ideal for sport specific training. Crossfit is good for training Crossfit

  2. I would love to see a top level crossfit coach and Firas go back and forth with their views.

  3. If you watch the judging standards in the crossfit games, the peak level of their own program, you can already tell they don't have a clue.

  4. I’ve done CrossFit for 6 months this year. I was a beginner. The best thing about CrossFit is the community. The worst thing are the injuries. I was very careful and never did more than I felt I could do. I got injured doing ORM for thrusters and OHS followed by a WOD that includes shoulder presses. I’ve never been the same since. They tell you, if you were able to lift it once add weight. After that day I quit.

    There is no reason to rush lifting, especially if I work in an office, I’m not an athlete. I agree with Firas. It can be dangerous

  5. Im sorry coach but this guy has terrible lifting form hes bouncing it super hard off the floor until failure you need to always pull the slack out of the bar first for safety

  6. CrossFit must be viewed as a sport, not a training modality.
    It doesn't matter if 30 clean and jerks for time is stupid, that is the task of the sport of CrossFIt. Some may think that kicking a ball into a net without using your hands is an inefficient way to get the ball into the net… but if you're playing soccer that is what you must do. Doing CrossFit (which is a sport, not a type of exercise) as cross training for MMA makes as much sense as playing soccer as cross training for MMA.

  7. Talk to ANY current physical therapist and they’ll say 90% of their business is from cross fit injuries.

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