Joe Rogan Experience #1201 – William von Hippel

William von Hippel is a professor of psychology at the University of Queensland. His new book “The Social Leap” is available now via Amazon.


  1. anyone that calls out chris ryan's pervo-beta male ass is good in my book

  2. The one part that bothered me was when he said that the hints by chimps are not very organized. This is not true, they are extremely organized.

  3. William: Having high testosterone might not be optimal for maintaining monogamous relationships, and for fathers to be more nurturing to their children
    Joe ( probably in the top 1% for testosterone) : Target identified…Attack mode….Initiating…..3…2…1

  4. You know who didn't believe that humans evolved from chimps? The geniuses that existed millions of years ago, you know, the people responsible for architecture and building tech that " modern man" and all his materialisticmodernist assumptions goes to extreme lengths to erase. Just saying.

  5. The cruel irony of wearing a back posture brace at work while listening… great podcast

  6. This guy is so wrong. Obviously observant but so wrong over and over again. As a 42 yo father of 3 it’s easy to see this guy doesn’t look at whats right in front of him, he looks at “the date” or “the evidence” too book smart for his own good. Definitely interesting though

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