Joe Rogan Experience #1201 – William von Hippel

William von Hippel is a professor of psychology at the University of Queensland. His new book “The Social Leap” is available now via Amazon.


  1. 27:40 this part about humans having more female than male ancestors blew my mind.

    If I didn't misunderstand it means that " incels " and people who have a hard time getting laid in general, aren't just a product of the leisure of today's society, but rather a phenomena that has always existed throughout the history of our hunter gatherer ancestors.

  2. When he's talking about octopus eyes and human eyes. And the fact they evolved in the water is not why they have better developed eyes it's just random? But if light travels slowly in water like we kmow it does get a glass of water and put a pen inside it looks magnified in the water due to the light taking longer to travel so is it not possible that maybe because there eyes had to adapt to that they evolved more efficiently?

  3. If you own a pair and land on them it’s uncomfortable. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. I only got 15 minutes in before I had to stop. Everything this guy is saying is demonstrably false. He started with an incorrect age for modern humans and began spouting bs about great apes. There is video here on youtube of chimpanzee and orangutan social behaviors that this guy says they can't do and the researchers in the videos say that this is common throughout all great ape species. People that use authority to present non-demonstrated hypothesis as fact like this are why some people think the Earth is flat.

  5. Holy shit this dude's voice puts me to sleep. Reminds me of those tapes they would play in school that would read you the book as you followed along.

  6. Time to take my ex gf to the zoo and tell her to give some cake to one of the chimps

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