Indy Wrestler Claims Nia Jax Hatred Driven By SEXISM?

Solomonster talks about a Twitter exchange between Lance Storm and independent wrestler Shazza McKenzie over her belief that the intense Nia Jax hate after hurting Becky Lynch is the product of sexism. Lance doesn’t agree with her. What say you?


  1. Brie didn't have a history of hurting people, she just had a bad series of botches when she first came back, which is why they defended her. Nia on the other hand has a history of hurting people and being reckless.

  2. I think there absolutely is a segment of the fanbase that does have a sexist attitude toward the female wrestlers in a lot of respects, but that's not really the case in this situation IMHO If anything, most of the outrage from fans over this incident is because she hurt another woman who is actually over with the fans.

  3. Wouldn't it be more sexist to say you can't critique a woman because she's a woman? That would mean you inherently think less of her or think she's a delicate flower that you can't critique them, as if to say they're a child. If you wanna be equal, you should really critique both men and women the same, not have preferential treatment over one.

  4. The way that she cocked her fist when she came out last night, I doubt Nia has any backstage heat. WWE is just working the dirt sheets with that. It's a shame too, because she should be shit on.

  5. I think people were claiming sexism with Brie, too – "Well, if you are going to roast Brie, why not roast Seth for Sting, Balor…" Forgetting, of course, that Seth was roasted pretty bad for a while there, and none of his incidents was as blatantly careless as a closed fist punch to a face. The clostest was the knee to Cena's nose.
    The problem of claiming sexism for everything is that it'll dilute the term, so when real sexism happens, people will be less likely to pay attention, as they've gotten fatigue from it.
    If Nia was a guy, there would still be roasting – it has nothing to do with her gender and everything to do with her putting a history together of injuring her co-workers.

  6. Nia has a documented history of injuring people. If this was a one time thing.. ok shit happens.
    This is the 6th time in 2 years, the 4th time this year and the 3rd time in the last 2 months. She is still as horrible as the day she was called up. I've defended Nia Jax before but she wasnt close to being ready 2 years ago and she is still bottom 5 of the entire WWE Raw, Smackdown and Nxt rosters.

  7. Rofl this hate has nothing to do with sexism women alway feel the need to stir up things

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