“Good Morning, Julia” Fan Submissions – YMH Highlight

Good morning, Julia! What would you do if you got a video message from a guy you briefly met the day before who’s convinced you’re their soulmate? What if he’s really handy around the house? You need crown moldings?

Anyways, Tom Segura and Christina P. introduce Whitney Cummings to the world of “Good Morning, Julia” and review the first batch of fan-made submissions.


  1. Yo…….for SUUUUURE gonna kill himself when he sees every post online and every video online about him. Jesus Christ. R.I.P

  2. Get that cunt of a guest off my computer.
    Just like the podcast, I cant even watch this

  3. The sides of his cheeks are so smooth, it makes me uncomfortable.

  4. Holy shit, I don’t think I have read a single positive comment towards Whitney haha she has to be the most unanimously hated guest in YMH history

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