Advice on learning Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai at the same time – Coach Firas Zahabi

Coach Zahabi talks about how to focus on more than one discipline and how to effectively learn them.


  1. Interesting discussion – now how would you include overall strength and conditioning with the overtaxing that doubling up has on your body?

  2. GSP started with Kyokushin and BJ Penn started with BJJ. They started learning other things after a few years.

  3. I have to buy something golden to my wife to make her do my bjj more than 1 hour…

  4. What is better for overall street fight scenarios(multiple people, bigger opponent) Muay Thai or BJJ. This is in the context of not being able to get out of the street fight

  5. Damn Coach you literally just explain my situation when I train; I’m thinking about fully training in Jiu Jitsu for 1 month then going back to Muay Thai to train; what do you recommend and which style might be more important in an MMA fight?

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