Joe Rogan Experience #1191 – Peter Boghossian & James Lindsay

Peter Boghossian is a philosophy instructor, activist, author, speaker, and atheism advocate. He is a full-time faculty member at Portland State University. James Lindsay has a Ph.D. in mathematics and a background in physics and is also the author of three books.


  1. 26:16 'Food media have long been recognised as cultural artifacts that reference culturally-specific ideals of gender…… food as a medium for interrogating ideas about feminism and identity performance' 😂😂😂😂😂 only proves what you can get away with by writing intellectual sounding bs

  2. The ignorance of the extreme left was so strong in this podcast I had to litterally take a mental break and come back to it so I could handle it. Legit needed one of their safe spaces for the state of my mental after hearing some of this.

  3. Y'all remember…at the end of the day the 1st Amendment is enforced by the 2nd….hopefully we never have to go there….but that is its purpose.

  4. So this is a shot in the dark but i believe in good things, and positivity. I am starting a new job which i am so pumped about to be able to get on me own two feet:). i am going through a money drought atm, even though i am extremely blessed atm..:):) Need a bit of financial help from the JRE community! i have been listening to joe for about 8 years now 🙂 and with out a doubt it saved my life while i was a young man going through dark times mentally.., now he cant take all the credit of course, his plethora of amazing people to appear on the show, most notably Duncan and friends:) any electronic donation of funds would really help me out.. i got pay pal etc.. and my email is Namaste cocksuckers 🙂

  5. If you support communism then you support our troops. Think about whos living off the backs of our tax payers.

  6. amazing really, i knew intellectuals were assholes but christ alive the titles these fuckers accepted, I'm dying here!

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