Ethan Klein On YouTube Comments – YMH Highlight

Ethan Klein, Hila Klein, Tom Segura and Christina P. discuss the differences between the kind of feedback you get at a standup comedy show VS the feedback from the YouTube comment section. Christina makes a good point that comment cards are WAY easier to avoid than YouTube comment sections, while Ethan shares that YouTube’s algorithm makes it nearly impossible to avoid. Which method of feedback would you prefer?


  1. Having severe depression isn't an excuse to be a spineless cunt who cant take what they dish out. Most of us mentally ill cunts do just fine accepting a life full of criticism and stigma, but without millions of people who star fuck us in the comments and a supportive family. Step outside of the bubble you've created ethan and get some perspective, stop whining in public and deal with it privately. I like your content, but the frequent bitching and uniformed stupidness in your podcast really made it hard to continue finding joy in your videos, wish id never watched any of your podcast, its put a real damper on enjoying you good videos. Anyone with half a brain can see the ignorance in talking about political crap; hypocritical opinions when comparing to content you've created; self loathing even tho you've got a career most people on YT would only dream of, man. Be grateful for what you've got, a beautiful women, millions in the bank and your physical health. Cant say i'm close to that blessed and dont even have good enough health to work a stable job anymore in my fucking 20's.. Take some MDMA or something, sounds like you need it.

  2. Make sure you wipe down the seats after those Yiddish snakes were sunbathing on them

  3. I rarely bother leaving bad comments on youtube unless it's something really fucked up or straight up dumb, if anything I just thumb down the video and move forward with my life! But these two aren't funny or interesting to me AT ALL, rather watch actually funny stuff like GMM, Tigerbelly, JRE, JKNews and obviously the Water Champ and Jean.

  4. Never liked h3h3 but I love ymh. From what I understand, they talk shit day in day out but can’t take shit talked on them? Don’t know what all the hate videos are about, is it those crazy eyebrow moves he does every 4 seconds though? Someone string together all the eyebrows just in this video, pretty sure it’d be pretty funny

  5. All of y'all are in the comments saying he is a whiny pussy for struggling with all the hate he had been getting. But I know for a fact that none of y'all know how it feels to have thousands of people hating on you and saying the most awful things, for every little mistake or slip up you make. The average person cant even handle 1 person hating and criticizing them, imagine hundreds. Ethan is not a self observed hypocrite for staying away from the comments. Especially if he's dealing with depression. He's a human, and he still has feelings, having a popular YouTube channel doesn't make you immune from feeling hurt by hate.

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