83 Weeks #6- Chris Jericho in WCW

Eric Bischoff breaks down when, where, and how he met Jericho and brought him into WCW. Conrad takes him to task for the negotiation process that Jericho detailed in his book, the debut that Terry Taylor buried, the baby face kiss of death in August 96, a crazy tidbit about Jericho’s contract and who missed it, what title Jericho despised, Jericho considering a jump well before his contract was up, what changed for Jericho creatively, who was responsible for the heel turn, the incredible Malenko feud, unmasking Juvy, the Goldberg situation in great detail, who had Goldberg’s ear, the secret meeting with Vince, whether or not Jericho in the nWo was discussed, what Eric offered Chris to stay, and so much more that just can’t make the list! That’s right, over three hours of Jericho! Drink it in, maaaaaaan!


  1. Haha yeah when i bought my Monday Night Jericho shirt 20 years ago it came in the mail with 2 shirts..was that cuz they couldnt sell shirts? Whatever it was awesome. My favorite time in wrestling. I named my dog Ralphus. And i KNEW hed be www champ..

  2. Man, conrad Thompson's podcasts are incredibly entertaining, but he never engages in discussion. He prefaces his questions with some long drawn out excerpt from a thing then the subject – Pritchard, bischoff or Jericho – tells the story. Conrad never acknowledges, never follows up, never discusses, just moves on to the next item on the list. Oh, he occasionally will stir the pot, but when they put him in his place, he says nothing and moves on. It's infuriating.

  3. LOL Nobody talks about how much money they are making. Also the Four Horsemen were cool heels in the 80's you just needed cool faces like Dusty Rhodes, Road Warriors, Sting, Magnum TA etc. It wasn't gonna work with a guy like Jericho.

  4. WCW dropped the ball with Jericho big time……he's the one guy you can point to and say, that's the turning point when they let me get away. I liked Jericho in WCW better than in the WWF. He was the most entertaining thing about 98'….everything else in 98' seemed like one fuck up after another and so many missed opportunities.

  5. This was my favourite episode of these yet. Like Conrad some of Jericho's heel stuff in WCW are some of my favourite things from that era too. Jericho's heel turn was awesome. Credit to Eric for putting him over like he does considering they didn't always have the best relationship. The Goldberg stuff was really interesting too.

  6. Have to say Jimmy Hart is almost as good with music as he was a manager. Think he came up with some great stuff in WCW.

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