83 Weeks #6- Chris Jericho in WCW

Eric Bischoff breaks down when, where, and how he met Jericho and brought him into WCW. Conrad takes him to task for the negotiation process that Jericho detailed in his book, the debut that Terry Taylor buried, the baby face kiss of death in August 96, a crazy tidbit about Jericho’s contract and who missed it, what title Jericho despised, Jericho considering a jump well before his contract was up, what changed for Jericho creatively, who was responsible for the heel turn, the incredible Malenko feud, unmasking Juvy, the Goldberg situation in great detail, who had Goldberg’s ear, the secret meeting with Vince, whether or not Jericho in the nWo was discussed, what Eric offered Chris to stay, and so much more that just can’t make the list! That’s right, over three hours of Jericho! Drink it in, maaaaaaan!


  1. Eric was smart he had a good plan to turn the ship around he just didn’t know the wrestling world is EXTREMELY FICKLE

  2. I have enjoyed these (mostly for Conrad's no bullshit but fair style) but…clearly Bischoff has flipped his lid by this point. Jericho making a dubious claim about his money offer sends him here into a rant where he's talking about house show and pencil cuts.

  3. also for sure 100% the green guy from star wars greedo isnt booking njpw its gedo pronounced Geh-Dough

  4. Awesome show. Also I love how you played the WCW/nWo Revenge Starrcade arena music in the end.

  5. I always thought wcw's cruiserweight division was a huge selling point vs wwe. It was a way they differentiated themselves, and the matches were so hi octane.

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