83 Weeks #3: Bret Hart in WCW

Eric and Conrad run through the incredible true story of bringing Bret “The Hitman” Hart to the WCW during the peak of the Monday Night Wars


  1. It's all about storyline. And what is gonna get hype. Bret Hart was squashed. Period. As a 5x world champion he should've came in with heat on the nWo and hogan

  2. Even with a "broken hand" he could've came in to surprise people and build a killer storyline

  3. Bret was a naturally bland character. He was either a white meat baby face or a "evil foreign heel" there is a reason why WWF took off after he left and why WCW stalled when he arrived

  4. If the original plan was for Bret to work with Ric right off the bat why have Bret even involved with Sting and Hogan at Starrcade? Why have him do a promo taking credit for screwing Hogan over the next night on Nitro? Why have involved in any of that and not just go right to Ric right away?

  5. Haha, if Eric could have gotten his head out of Hogan's ass long enough maybe he could have seen he had the best and hottest wrestler in the buisness after Montreal, too bad.

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