83 Weeks #3: Bret Hart in WCW

Eric and Conrad run through the incredible true story of bringing Bret “The Hitman” Hart to the WCW during the peak of the Monday Night Wars


  1. This changed my opinion on bitch off I really enjoy his view point and the only counter part from pov would be if McMahon had a podcast

  2. Eric you need to listen to the stone cold podcast you did and you clearing say you did offer Bret a contract but he decided to stay with wwf. Just listened to it. You’re words

  3. Some takeaways from this.

    I don't think anyone would seriously believe that when Bret tells Eric that he can be late when discussing his 1997 jump from WWF that he intended that to be written into his contract. More like he was forewarning him.

    Second – Eric says that Bret didn't contribute. Well, he certainly contributed to the Goldberg steel plate idea. Bret could have spoken up more, for sure. Why did or didn't is a question only he can answer. If Eric really believed that Bret wasn't a draw then why did WCW offer him a new deal in mid 1999?

  4. Conrad has a better gimmick then 90% of the guys in WWE today.

  5. The implication that Bret leaked to Meltzer for contractual leverage overlooks that Bret has often written of how his perception of Meltzer completely changed after the Montreal Screwjob (you can see it in the forward to "Tributes 2"). Until that point, Bret viewed Meltzer as the enemy…but when the true narrative got out regarding what Vince did, that all changed. He has no reason to lie on that point, and Bischoff has plenty of reason to lie RE the history of Bret's negotiations with his company.

  6. I think Eric is either forgetting key details or is choosing to leave them out to shit on bret. A lot of this is documented in the Wrestling With Shadows documentary. Why would Bret lie about the $ in his WCW contract multiple times (once in the film, once to Meltzer, and finally in his book)?

  7. It took a while but Biscoff gets heated lol. He doesn’t answer many questions but you can read between the lines. WCW paid too much, especially as WWE were willing to let go and Eric doesn’t want to look too silly. I’m assuming this decision ruined Eric’s career or reliability in any business. Bret Hart on the other hand, i do think is a whiner

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