Cricket & A Bat Wing | TigerBelly 156

Bobo can’t chew and walk. Koloko, Gilbo, and PD are YesMen. We talk Spacey, Code of Hammurabi, and a fancy plague named after the King.

  • White Noise Machine Bobby Uses: Here
  • Khalyla’s Underwater Lobster Diving Camera: Here
  • Gobi’s Training Collar: Here
  • For Remi’s Old Man Accidents: Here

TigerBelly is a no-holds-barred arena for half truths, social no-nos, and animal behavior-featuring comedian Bobby Lee and his best friend Khalyla. New vlogs on some Tuesdays. Podcasts every Thursday.


  1. Joe Rogan is not an alpha male. Alpha males don't spend 90% of their energy looking for validation with other people and change their entire world view based on the last person they spoke to who had strong convictions. Joe Rogan is a chameleon and I'm 100% sure that in a lasting inter personal setting with Bobby Lee and Joe Rogan undisturbed by busy work and the LA commercial status order, Bobby would be the dominant one. If you don't believe me, get Khalyla to observe Rogan for a while and she'll tell you. It doesn't take a psychology degree to see through the Rogan alpha male myth.

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