Cricket & A Bat Wing | TigerBelly 156

Bobo can’t chew and walk. Koloko, Gilbo, and PD are YesMen. We talk Spacey, Code of Hammurabi, and a fancy plague named after the King.

  • White Noise Machine Bobby Uses: Here
  • Khalyla’s Underwater Lobster Diving Camera: Here
  • Gobi’s Training Collar: Here
  • For Remi’s Old Man Accidents: Here

TigerBelly is a no-holds-barred arena for half truths, social no-nos, and animal behavior-featuring comedian Bobby Lee and his best friend Khalyla. New vlogs on some Tuesdays. Podcasts every Thursday.


  1. Did you know that only 1 percent of whites in America owned slaves in the mid 1800s. So 99 percent of us have no slavery in our ancestory. It's funny how things can be portrayed and seem made when it's actually something else

  2. You're better than Joe Rogan Bobby, don't go on his podcast! He's an asshole! The only thing that makes his podcast great is his guests!

    56:33 You're making Kalaila wet Bobby.

  3. 1:09:44 dam Bobby just sat through all blabbing! WTF!? Looked very painful for him to hear that.

  4. lol @ the bias from Bobby and Koloko around 25:00 blaming mainly whites for destruction and evil acts calling it the majority of whites.. Let's ignore ghengis kahn and the almost 38 million direct deaths contributed to his reign. Evil Stalin would be jealous of those numbers.

  5. Asians living in a Western bubble at 25:00 The rest of the world is far scarier than you can imagine. Fortunately I just come here for comedy, not world views.

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