Robert Whittaker, Yoel Romero and Five Round Fights

Robert Whittaker fractured his hand in his title fight with Yoel Romero. Chael questions the need for five round fights on this episode of Beyond the Fight.


  1. nobody agrees with you Chael. You simply don't like to fight anymore.
    thats where all these jargon is coming from.

    infact the right thing to do is to make all fights on PPV 5 round.

  2. I like the idea of the no time limits or a long time limits with a shorter overtime like the ufc had before, it was like a 12 minute round or 8 minute round with 2 2 minute overtimes

  3. As always Chael sees things in a logical and reasonable way that cuts directly to the heart of a matter. Just to clarify for the troglodytes in the comments, Chael is saying is in round 4 and 5 they are too tired to effectively defend, so the danger of severe damage is exponentially greater in those rounds which can considerably shorten their careers. The price on the athlete is too high just so we can watch 2 exhausted fighters shuffle around and take unmitigated damage. He's right.

  4. Yeah Robert lost at least 10 years of his fighting career in that last one and romero is close to the end too. Both guys got messed up

  5. i think rounds 1,2,3 should stay 5 minutes. round 4 for 4 minutes and round 5 for 3 minutes. would give the fighters more reason to stand n bang if they know they have less time. what yall think??

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