Epic Chael Sonnen Rant (Part 1): Attention Dumb Dumb Fighters

Chael Sonnen does not hold back on fighter’s who he thinks do not understand the importance of promotion, especially in weight divisions with few marketable names.


  1. They lack creativity. They think by being a fake persona and starting fights by being disrespectful and calling out people is self promotions. Since most lack any credit le for.ale education(not that I'm saying its must) but they lack the tools and are unable to articulate them self. They cant display their talents outside of combat sports. So how else are they going to go promote to generate public I trust if they dont generate Interest. A lot of fighters aren't the brash, loud, Interest characters that come far and few like McGreggor. Having a college education imo makes a world of a difference. You hear it in how they talk, act, thought process. Fighters need to venture out and get Involed in events that draw a lot of attention. Be a part of social media coverage, hug a few orphan kids, do some charity pose for a few pics while doing those. Run for office, somethig, anything other than just standing their and saying I'm going to kick this guys as and act like degenerates.

  2. Too many people are commenting on how Chael said that there are no good fighters in the 115 division. Please time stamp the moment he says that because im pretty sure those words never came out of his mouth. He's not talking about skill here. Yeah there are plenty of good fighters all across the board. He's talking about the 115 division not making enough noise, to the point where many of them are hard to market. Stop talking too much and listening too little. Do the opposite instead.

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