Epic Chael Sonnen Rant (Part 1): Attention Dumb Dumb Fighters

Chael Sonnen does not hold back on fighter’s who he thinks do not understand the importance of promotion, especially in weight divisions with few marketable names.


  1. They think they deserve to get paid because they can kick someone's ass.. if nobody pays to see u kick ass u don't get paid.. that's it.. dumb fucks

  2. This is why chael should be the next president of the UFC

  3. I feel sorry for the guy "Henry" who I actually don't know, but he got grilled so bad

  4. What Chael is saying is true but it is ONLY true because it is the culture the UFC promotes to make money knowing that the masses will be drawn more to the events if that WWE type BS-hype culture exists for fight cards. What Chael is failing to mention is that it DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY and it can easily be changed by Dana and the like – the rest of the world is losing respect for American MMA because of the BS antics and the culture surrounding the way fights are marketed. Fighters should be getting and getting fights PURELY based on merit and fighting records – NOT on how much BS-ing power so self-promotional skills they have and how advanced their shit talking skills have become. True fans of MMA can't stand that BS.

  5. Bravo. I've been saying for so long, Chael needed video. Now he has it and this episode is the best he's ever done. Highly entertaining ??

  6. I wanna see Rose vs Andrade. Who the fuck is wanting to see her and Joanna fight again? Smh

  7. I'm not saying fighters shouldn't promote themselves more what I am saying is asking fighters to also be personalities really isn't​ fair. That's not their job. This business has people in it called promoters, guess what they're supposed to do. The idea that this is all on the fighters is ridiculous. They hold up their end of the bargain by coming up to fight and putting on a show. If you can't figure out how to market a killer because they aren't running around showing their ass every two seconds then you suck at your job.

    Fighters do need to promote themselves more but they shouldn't have to. If you can just throw your hands in the air as a marketing department and say 'ah well, it's not our fault we have about five draws out hundreds out fighters' then you are displaying a stunning abdication of responsibility.

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