Direct Metal Laser Printing – Jay Leno’s Garage

Bry Ewan from Stratasys Direct Manufacturing stops by the garage to show Jay how their new technology can bypass the plastic mold process of 3D printing and go straight to metal printing.


  1. Excuse me Mr Leno. There is something sticking out of your butt…

  2. The idiot from Stratasys don't know the workings of his own machine!

  3. This is makes all old parts are no longer obsolete. B52 planes, and scan a part like Titanic, any part you are in business 🙂

  4. Everyday I'm so much happier that I'm studying Photonics and Optical Engineering to be on the forefront of concepts like this amongst other things.

  5. Jay: "$1000…that's not bad". Until you realize the entire car cost about that much back in its day.

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