14-Year-Old Girl Punched by Police – Excessive or Not?

The gap between what police departments deem “necessary use of force” and what the public perceives as “acceptable use of force” has never been so big. In an attempt to close the gap, Ryron and Rener analyze the video that recently surfaced of a Florida incident where a young teenage girl resisted arrest and punched multiple times by police officer.

If anyone has contact with the officers involved in the incident, please have them contact us at: GracieUniversity.com/GST


  1. Looks like we got 750 police academy graduates here in the comment section….maybe those 2 officers shouldve gotten on here first..to read how to handle it…no need to watch this video..you gotta scroll down for all the real training…

  2. I wish my tax dollars would go to you two starting training programs in my city. Thank You Brothers for attacking these issues. Much Love

  3. She doesn’t look 14. Research the hole story. Also, wasn’t hitting her full force. There also is a hurry to get her handcuffed. Disagree with this video but you guys are normally on point so still subscribed.

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