Valentine's Day Special: Bobby Lee & Khalyla | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #174

Valentine’s Day Special: Bobby Lee & Khalyla | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #174

Bobby Lee and Khalyla sit down with Theo Von to talk about their relationship & the Slept Kingdom pledging allegiance to Chris D’Elia, as well as to give listener’s advice on their own relationships.


  1. Fuck! Theo had to get down with Illuminati 🙁 Do y’all see the SUBLIMINAL FLASHES???

  2. Khalyla ridiculously gorgeous and sexy af!!! Voice is perfect. Smile is beautiful. Laugh is adorable. Oh not to mention…. Body of a goddess. Htf did bobby pull that. Sorry but she deserves better than this slob. Love me some bobby lee but fame is obviously why she's with him. Or she's obsessed with "fixing" someone. Always looking for a project.

  3. Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna see Bobby getting cucked by Theo with Khalyla.

  4. Ah man, i've got a lot of love for Theo. He gives me a really good vibe, he's just a really good person, or at least makes an effort to be so. Can't be mad at that.

    Theo + Bobby is the perfect end to an early finish from work and start to a weekend, thanks fellas!

    Rat King and the Slept King!

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