Top 9 WWE Promos | Mankind Sits Down With Jim Ross (Raw 1997)

Top 9 WWE Promos | Mankind Sits Down With Jim Ross (Raw 1997)

In this SOUND OFF RETRO clip from episode 468 (11/6/2016), Solomonster concludes his countdown of the Top 9 Promos in WWE History. If promos are meant to promote, then nobody did a better job of that for their character than Mankind in a series of sit down interviews conducted by Jim Ross that aired on Raw for three straight weeks in 1997 discussing the three faces of Foley. It was the first real human look into the man behind the mask, a masterful performance and #1 in the countdown.

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  1. Few Things; Thanks for everything you do.. As a fellow Podcaster (once a month mind you) Your content and delivery is entertaining beyond most everyone on the internet. I'm trying to think back… did Jim Ross miss any time after this attack. WWF didn't have the problems with linear approach that WCW did, but If Ross missed a Raw or 2 after the attack…. then it would stand to reason he should have missed the 3 weeks prior to the airing of the 4th week promo….

    This is how you get a guy over and do it in an entertaining way. The fact that Ross was a personality that never was attacked made it all the more shocking. Keep up the great work, and thanks for bringing this series back from the archives!

  2. idk why I get such a kick out of people mentioning major wrestling events in passing. "Oh yeah, he and Undertaker had a match. It was in some kind of cage, something big happened. Idk." Don't know why I find it funny.

  3. First time I ever heard of this interview. Just watched it. It was incredible from the first minute, you just can feel it in his voice. Makes you wonder how much of it was reality how much fantasy. Certainly felt real all the way, amazing

  4. This was before the golddust promo. That was the end of 97. Foley interviews was may to june

  5. I remember watching these as a kid.. i use to hate mankind until i saw this interview, it made me become a fan

  6. Remember when Lashley talked about his sisters??? …..Yeah Pepperidge farm remembers

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