Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 2-7-19

Thursday Afternoon Monday Morning Podcast 2-7-19

Bill rambles about turtlenecks, the emergency room, and buying land back in the day.


  1. Was Nia being sarcastic when she said she's gonna put BJ and a Steak Day "on her calendar?"

  2. Burly Bill,

    I'm so sorry for what you and Nia must've gone through, having to take your little girl to the ER! :(. In my own childhood during the late 50's/60's not one thing was ever kept "out of reach of small children". Nothing. You guys and your kids are a lot safer.

    For instance,I ate an entire bottle of baby aspirin when I was 4. No problem (Dad came home from work, parked me next to the toilet, stuck his finger down my throat to induce vomiting..problem solved).

    I swear to God, I accidentally burned down a barn, broke my nose, fell out of a tree, was thrown off a runaway horse, parachuted off my roof with a sheet and string (thump.)…And all this and more before I even reached puberty. And I'm a GIRL, heh heh..

    Weirdly, my siblings and I didn't die and even turned out normal but Jesus! Somewhere along the line, parenting got wayyy better. I'm sure you and Nia have been wonderful, loving parents so far, and your little daughter is going to do just fine.

  3. So you're the comedy version of bill maur?
    Social media views are rigged. You're just reading from their script, as you were told. Hell of a cheesy deal w/ the devil you got there bily flames. You have an agent on that one? Someone was asking.

  4. Definitely look forward to this every time I see a new one I set time aside I swear Bill Burr is one of the funniest people in the world what are unique talent what a cool real individual would love to see him live! Mr.Bill Burr….. thank you!

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