The Fighter and The Kid - Episode 436

The Fighter and The Kid – Episode 436

Brendan and Bryan are in studio for Episode 436 of The Fighter and The Kid. They talk about JRE Fight Companion hangover, Ngannou vs Cain, sharks, new details in the Jussie Smollett story, and much more!


  1. Jussie IS a bad guy, this could have been the final straw that triggered
    of some racial attack or even the likely race war. Jussie helps to
    shape the world as a despised minority that bryans white children will
    be growing up in, weheres your instincts and foresight ?? stop being
    such cucks. He is a bad guy, he should be locked up, he should be
    If this was some white supremacist doing fake hate crimes youd be
    condeming them to hell and weeping and sobbing for blacks.

  2. Bryan “I’m such a fucking flip flopper” Callen
    Bryan “ I have to agree with everything Brendan says” callen

  3. schaub the kind of guy to cup his butt with the LEFT hand to feel comfy

  4. and for sure wear pink laces on beige shoes and big grey socks with a bomberjacket on a mmmMonday

  5. Brendan you fucking hater ask Rogan how’d you do against Cain now? Bet he’d kill your ass still. And calling Caceres a mid level fighter what the fuck were you?

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