Monday Morning Podcast 2-18-19

Monday Morning Podcast 2-18-19


  1. The guest nailed it with the guest podcast…. ill be honest im not going to listen to this now off to an old one

  2. Reitman’s opening line won me over right away. Thank you for logical honesty: Bill is at best when he’s on his own.

  3. Another guest? I don't think I've listened to more than five minutes of a Bill Burr podcast this year. Sad this dudes falling off. Well he fell off a while ago but, yeah.. better luck Thursday?

  4. Ole Billy Red Beard…what's been good buddy!! As a future filmmaker, this guest was actually interesting and engaging… And you a real one for always giving the G.O.A.T Patrice O'Neal his credit whenever it's due. Stay safe out there Billy pale balls!

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